Wednesday, December 12, 2012


For my leadership class, our final is doing something creative about what goals we have. I asked two of my classmates what they would be doing and they said a poem and a collage. I didn't want to copy them, so I decided to do a blog post. I figured no one would do it too and I wanted it to be different. Pretty creative huh? I really wanted to do an acrostic poem of the words 'goals' as well so I'm mixing the two up. Here's my acrostic poem, and then I'll explain why I chose what I did.


I chose 'good' because I want to do good in the world.

I chose 'optimism' because I want to be optimistic, I don't like pessimistic people and I don't want to be a person I don't like.

I chose 'academic' because I want to do well in school and get a good education.

I chose 'leader' because everyone is a leader in one way or another and I want to be a good one.

I chose 'strength' because I want to have the strength to stand up for my beliefs and to stand up for what's right.

So basically, I want to be a good, happy person that people can look up to. I want to be a good role model for people around me.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Doctor Who Addiction

Doctor Who. Where do I start? I suppose how I became acquainted with the show...
It all started with my cousins. At my family reunions I would always listen in on the my cousins conversations and they would consist of Doctor Who and Harry Potter. I could relate to Harry Potter, but not Doctor Who. I didn't have Cable or Netflix at the time so I couldn't watch it, so I always kind of felt left out of their cousin group. Then last year, when my other cousin started watching them, he gave me his Netflix password and I started watching them. Let's just say I got addicted and didn't really do anything besides watch the show. My little sister watched with me so naturally she got just as addicted as me. I even got my friend's brother, Quinn, addicted to it as well.
I was at my cousins one day, it may have been for March Madness, and she put on her wedding dress so we could see what it looked like. She was going to be getting married in a couple of months later. While she had it on, her mom told her she looked so beautiful and had a 'special' smile on her face whenever she tried on her dress and thought about her wedding. I promptly stated, "I get that look when I watch Doctor Who..."

"What is Doctor Who?" You may be wondering, well I found a few wonderful descriptions:

It's true. Doctor Who is all of this and more. The special effects may be horribly crazy, some of the story lines may be super weird, but I love every minute of every episode. There are episodes that make you cry because you're laughing so hard and there are some that make you cry because it's just so heartbreaking. There are lessons to be learned in each episode and I won't forget one. You hear people say they want a love like Edward and Bella or a love like Romeo and Juliet etc. Well, I want a love like The Doctor and Rose. I don't suffer from an addiction to Doctor Who, I am perfectly content with my addiction. On my Pinterest, I may (or may not) have over 1,500 pins on my Doctor Who board.

If after reading this blog post, you feel like you might want to watch the series, here is what will happen to you:

Everything in this video is correct, except where she started. I wouldn't start in the middle of the series, because you would be even more confused than you would by starting at the beginning. Start by watching the episode "Rose" with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor and don't you DARE skip him. He was my first Doctor, and you never forget your first Doctor.

This post probably makes me sound crazy and weird, but we all of our addictions. For my cousin, it's coca-cola. For my mom, it's BBC Period Drama movies (Pride and Prejudice, Cranford etc.). For me, it's Doctor Who (and some other BBC shows like Sherlock and Merlin). You know what people say, don't knock it until you try it. And even then, don't bash on Doctor Who when you're with me or you might get hurt.

There is so much more I want to say, but I don't know how to say it. So I'll just leave you with the words of Steven Spielburg:

Sunday, November 18, 2012


In the midst of this Thanksgiving holiday, I've started pondering what I'm truly thankful for. I did a youtube video search on gratitude and found this Mormon Messages video. I hope that you'll take five minutes out of your day and watch this video.

There you go. Doesn't that make you more thankful for those random things in your life? It helped me become more grateful and now I'm going to make a list of what I'm grateful for (in no particular order):

*My family
*Jesus Christ
*Heavenly Father
*The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
*The Book of Mormon
*My friends
*The BBC
*My Life
*My neighbors
*Having awesome roommates
*Old people
*Badminton and Bowling counting as a PE credit
*A little kid giving me a hug
*The smile and laugh of a baby when they look at you
*Thanksgiving and Christmas
*When my whole family gets together for the Holidays
*When someone random smiles and says hello
*Having someone compliment me
*Getting something in the mail
*Making old friendships 'new' again
*People who understand your movie/tv references
*Movie quotes that go with every day life
*Old Disney movies
*Jane Austen
*British Accents

I'm grateful for a lot more than these, so I'll probably keep adding to the list whenever I feel like it. I hope you have thought about what you are thankful for and that you think of one thing every day that you are grateful for :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wisdom Teeth

So it's SUU's fall break this weekend and my mom decided it would be a great time for me and my sister to get our wisdom teeth out. Yay! what a fun thing to do! I wouldn't want to spend it any other way!! (in case you didn't understand, that was sarcasm). So I'm sitting in here pain, not able to feel my lip or tongue, with one cheek that is enormously bigger than the other, writing this. So forgive me if I sound a little bitter. My tongue kind of feels like a mix of numb, and like I burnt it on to hot of hot chocolate...That doesn't make very much sense does it? Now one side of my bottom lip feels fine while the other feels super huge and puffy.

When we got to the Doctor's office, there was a couple sitting in there. A while after the girl went in, the nurse came in and said she was done and that she would be out in a second. A couple seconds after, we could hear her laughing and talking really loud, just having a grand old time. The guy looked at us and said "she doesn't do well with any kind of meds." It was hilarious. So then they took us back and told me I had four wisdom teeth, while my sister only had one...what a loser. So the Doctor's telling us all these things that could possibly go wrong and says "but don't worry, it won't happen to you...but if it does..." and he went on to explain everything and he would say that like every five minutes. I was like dude! You're not making me feel any better!

When the procedure was done, I wasn't crazy or anything, I just couldn't move very well. They had to lift me out of the chair and tell me how to walk and everything. When my sister followed me out to the car, her and my mom were laughing at me because I couldn't talk. I could only mumble. So then I started tearing up. Apparently I'm just super emotional when things like this happen instead of super crazy. I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to feed myself, which made me cry more, so my mom had to do it. I don't think I even swallowed any of it, most of it just got on my bottom lip. I was feeling dizzy, and I don't do well with dizzy so I tried to lay down. My mom had gone to the store to get our meds and left me and my sister alone. When she came back she had to change my gauze like ten times because it never felt right. She then went to the fridge saying "Jac, I bought a surprise for you!" and I was like yay! what is it?? and she pulled out Egg Nog...I don't like egg nog very much so I looked at Syd and we both made a face and I said "I don't like egg not..." She was upset...Oh well.

I'm so thankful for my mom (even though she made me get my teeth out). She has been trooping with my and my sister and hasn't yelled at us or anything. She's been willing to get us anything we want, willing to help us do anything. Thanks mom! You're the best! She just made me some Chicken Noodle Soup. What a sweetie :) It's amazing what chicken soup does for you. I feel a lot better. It made me feel better than the medicine did.

I also want to thank one of my best friends ever! Kirsten, thank you for being such a great friend. Last night, she came over and had brought me and my sister blankets, fuzzy socks, chapstick/lipgloss, lotion and a movie. Thanks Kirst!! You're the best!!

So here I am, fuzzy socks and blanket on, writing a blog about how much pain I'm in. At least I didn't kick a hole in the wall like my friend did when she got hers out.

Well, since I don't feel like going out very much, I feel like I'll be watching a lot of movies. You know what that means! Jane Austen movie marathon!! whoo! To those who feel like joining, give me a call and come on over! :D

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

General Conference

Hi everyone! As some of you know this past weekend was General Conference. To those of you who don't know what that is, it's when the LDS church spend two hours in the morning, and two in the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday listening to our Prophet and his Apostles.

My family has a tradition for conference. Every Sunday morning, my dad makes us Swedish Pancakes (some people call them Crepes). They are delicious and I love the tradition! I'm glad that my dad grew up with this tradition and was willing to pass it onto us :)

I love traditions! But conference isn't all about winning the "Swedish Pancake Eating Contest", it's about listening to the talks, getting spiritually fed, and getting some questions answered.

I can't say that I had a favorite talk this year, I loved bits and pieces from each of them. I took notes in a notebook, and left it back at home. I would share a lot more of what I liked, but I have a bad memory so I would have to look back at my notes. One thing that stuck out to me was that we need to act on the spiritual promptings that we receive asap. One of my goals is to recognize when I'm having a prompting and to act on it. Another things that stuck out to me most was the saying:

I am a Mormon! I know it, I live it and I love it!!

And it's true! I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the true church and I know that The Book of Mormon is true. I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love me and I love them both so much. I am thankful for both of them and I am thankful to have knowledge of the gospel in my life.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

SUU Homecoming Week

This past week has been one of the funnest and busiest while here at school. Since I'm involved with SUUSA's (Southern Utah University Student Association) Special Projects, I've had to help with Homecoming all week. I won't tell you all I did because it might bore you do death.

Some of you might be wondering what Special Projects is. It's where we get to do random projects that we are assigned. For example, we made SUUSA's float for the homecoming parade today. The theme was Suuper Heroes so the guy in charge decided to make a batman kind of theme. But trade the bat symbol for our homecoming symbol. This is how it turned out

It was a lot of fun to make and I'm extremely happy to be a part of special projects. While getting ready for the parade this morning I saw something that made my heart leap for joy...a TARDIS. For those of you who don't know what that is, it stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. In other words, a time machine that The Doctor travels in in the BBC show Doctor Who (Don't worry I will probably have a whole blog post on that show in a bit so you can wait until then to understand more or you can look it up for yourself which I highly recommend because it's the best!!!). Yes. Someone had built a TARDIS and had their club dress up as characters, and they looked pretty awesome too.

My computer is being dumb and won't let me flip the picture so if you have an urge to look at it right side up, feel free to flip your computer on it's side.

Last night was "True T-Bird" night where we have this old tradition that at midnight you go kiss by Old Sorrel (a horse statue) and you're a "True T-Bird" (Don't worry, I didn't go kissing people at midnight, instead I left at 11 to watch Doctor Who). But before all the kissing begins, they have a pep rally and a band come. The band that came was Rocket To The Moon. I had never heard of them before this night and they are now one of my favorites.
They are really cool guys. They were funny and cute and had great voices and lyrics to their songs. If you haven't heard them, please go look them up on youtube or something because you are missing out. They were throwing their guitar picks everywhere and my sister actually got one of them which is pretty cool.

Homecoming game was today, after the parade and tailgate. We played Montana State University, who haven't lost a game yet. I had to leave at half-time to write a paper for one of my classes so I didn't actually see the whole thing. My roommate says we lost but we made them fight for it, which is good.

Conclusion of this post: I had a really great week. Hope yours was great too!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hello World!

Hello! My name is Jaclyn and I finally gave into the blogging world. If you're reading this you probably are super bored and have nothing better to do. Well I'm glad my blog is here to be your entertainment, it probably won't be very entertaining though.

I figured since this is my first post, I might as well just answer getting to know you questions, the basics you usually ask when you want to know someone...
I hope this link works, if it doesn't go onto youtube and look up "Getting to Know You" from The King and I.

I'm part of The Church of Jesus Christ if Latter-Day Saints. I've been a member my whole life and have a strong testimony of the gospel.

I was born and raised in American Fork, Utah.

My family consists of my mother Arlynne, my father Steven, my older brother Travis, my older sister Sydnie and my younger sister Hannah-and I love them all and miss them!

I'm attending college at Southern Utah University with my sister Syd-Go T-Birds!!

My favorite movie series are Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

I love to read, pin things on pinterest, watch movies, quote movies and sing songs from musicals.

My favorite television shows are: Doctor Who, Merlin, Sherlock and Once Upon a Time (if you follow me on pinterest I have boards for all of these)(If you have no idea what any of these are you should definitely watch them all before we speak again).

I'm awkward.

If I was stuck on a desert island I would take Spaghetti, Funeral Potatoes and French Bread to eat.

My favorite music is basically anything that doesn't swear or rap to much. I especially like Imagine Dragons, Mumford and Sons, He is We and Josh Groban.

I expect my future husband to learn Italian so he can sing to me like Josh Groban.

That's pretty much me. If you have any questions you want to ask me feel free and I'll answer them in my next post. Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading :)

p.s. If you're wondering why my web URL is thunder jac you obviously don't get the Snow Dogs reference and need to go watch it "That's Thunder Jack. He's been hit by thunder...twice!"