Saturday, September 29, 2012

SUU Homecoming Week

This past week has been one of the funnest and busiest while here at school. Since I'm involved with SUUSA's (Southern Utah University Student Association) Special Projects, I've had to help with Homecoming all week. I won't tell you all I did because it might bore you do death.

Some of you might be wondering what Special Projects is. It's where we get to do random projects that we are assigned. For example, we made SUUSA's float for the homecoming parade today. The theme was Suuper Heroes so the guy in charge decided to make a batman kind of theme. But trade the bat symbol for our homecoming symbol. This is how it turned out

It was a lot of fun to make and I'm extremely happy to be a part of special projects. While getting ready for the parade this morning I saw something that made my heart leap for joy...a TARDIS. For those of you who don't know what that is, it stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. In other words, a time machine that The Doctor travels in in the BBC show Doctor Who (Don't worry I will probably have a whole blog post on that show in a bit so you can wait until then to understand more or you can look it up for yourself which I highly recommend because it's the best!!!). Yes. Someone had built a TARDIS and had their club dress up as characters, and they looked pretty awesome too.

My computer is being dumb and won't let me flip the picture so if you have an urge to look at it right side up, feel free to flip your computer on it's side.

Last night was "True T-Bird" night where we have this old tradition that at midnight you go kiss by Old Sorrel (a horse statue) and you're a "True T-Bird" (Don't worry, I didn't go kissing people at midnight, instead I left at 11 to watch Doctor Who). But before all the kissing begins, they have a pep rally and a band come. The band that came was Rocket To The Moon. I had never heard of them before this night and they are now one of my favorites.
They are really cool guys. They were funny and cute and had great voices and lyrics to their songs. If you haven't heard them, please go look them up on youtube or something because you are missing out. They were throwing their guitar picks everywhere and my sister actually got one of them which is pretty cool.

Homecoming game was today, after the parade and tailgate. We played Montana State University, who haven't lost a game yet. I had to leave at half-time to write a paper for one of my classes so I didn't actually see the whole thing. My roommate says we lost but we made them fight for it, which is good.

Conclusion of this post: I had a really great week. Hope yours was great too!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hello World!

Hello! My name is Jaclyn and I finally gave into the blogging world. If you're reading this you probably are super bored and have nothing better to do. Well I'm glad my blog is here to be your entertainment, it probably won't be very entertaining though.

I figured since this is my first post, I might as well just answer getting to know you questions, the basics you usually ask when you want to know someone...
I hope this link works, if it doesn't go onto youtube and look up "Getting to Know You" from The King and I.

I'm part of The Church of Jesus Christ if Latter-Day Saints. I've been a member my whole life and have a strong testimony of the gospel.

I was born and raised in American Fork, Utah.

My family consists of my mother Arlynne, my father Steven, my older brother Travis, my older sister Sydnie and my younger sister Hannah-and I love them all and miss them!

I'm attending college at Southern Utah University with my sister Syd-Go T-Birds!!

My favorite movie series are Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

I love to read, pin things on pinterest, watch movies, quote movies and sing songs from musicals.

My favorite television shows are: Doctor Who, Merlin, Sherlock and Once Upon a Time (if you follow me on pinterest I have boards for all of these)(If you have no idea what any of these are you should definitely watch them all before we speak again).

I'm awkward.

If I was stuck on a desert island I would take Spaghetti, Funeral Potatoes and French Bread to eat.

My favorite music is basically anything that doesn't swear or rap to much. I especially like Imagine Dragons, Mumford and Sons, He is We and Josh Groban.

I expect my future husband to learn Italian so he can sing to me like Josh Groban.

That's pretty much me. If you have any questions you want to ask me feel free and I'll answer them in my next post. Have a wonderful day and thanks for reading :)

p.s. If you're wondering why my web URL is thunder jac you obviously don't get the Snow Dogs reference and need to go watch it "That's Thunder Jack. He's been hit by thunder...twice!"