This last year has been one of the most challenging spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for me. A year ago on Valentine’s Day, I was getting up the courage to tell one of my best friends that I had feelings for him. I was really nervous but felt like it had to be done. I’m glad I did because we ended up dating for a few months. At this same time in my life, I was also feeling a little lost spiritually. I wasn’t as “good” as I thought I should be. I always acted like I was though. I thought people had a perception of me that I didn’t have any struggles, and I felt like I had to keep that persona up. When I was dating him, I knew I should be vulnerable and let my guard down, and in some ways I did, but not fully. I love his family and am grateful for how welcoming they were, but I felt like I always had to be “on”. Little did I know, I had a lot of underlying issues of self doubt, feelings of unworthiness, perfectionism, and feeling unlikeable. After we broke up, I stopped trying to bury these issues and just let them in, not in a healthy “I’m getting over it” way but in a “look at all these issues, I’m not good enough” kind of way. I didn’t trust myself, and I didn’t trust God’s plan for me. I was hurt over the break up and didn’t want to admit to myself that deep down I knew it was the right thing to do.
I was really depressed for a few months. To be honest, I was mostly over the breakup, so it wasn’t because of that. I think I knew the whole time we dated that it wasn’t meant to be for us, but I wanted it so badly I ignored all the flags and promptings. I wanted to do my best to make it work no matter what. I’m actually really grateful that my boyfriend listened to the promptings he received and broke up with me because I wouldn’t have done it. He was very brave for doing it, and I sincerely hope he finds someone better suited for him.
I was depressed months after our breakup because I was struggling with my relationship with Heavenly Father and what I was supposed to be doing. I was trying to trust Him, but it was hard.
In the fall, I joined my church’s ten week emotional self reliance group. Not only did I make some really good friends in the class, but it also helped me realize I definitely needed a therapist because these issues weren’t going to go away on their own. In October, I found Karen Debirk, who does EMDR therapy. Over the next few months, we focused on working through a memory I had from elementary school I didn’t realize had hurt me as much as it did. It turned out to be one of the main reasons most of my insecurities about being likeable stemmed from. While processing a memory, we are supposed to picture someone we trust, someone who loves us unconditionally. I had a hard time with this because I didn’t feel worthy of anyone’s love. I even tried picturing Christ. For a time, it worked but at some point I didn’t even feel worthy of his love. So I got stuck. At this point, my therapist recommended I read Kristin Neff’s book “Self Compassion”. Listening to this book changed my whole perspective on how I should look at and treat myself. I should be my best supporter. I should be easy on myself, treat myself like I would my best friend if they were going through a hard time. I am only human. I am not alone in my struggles. Everyone has felt like I do when I’m struggling. I can’t even begin to say how this book changed my life. It took about three months for me to work through this memory, and I couldn’t have done it without this book. I also started to feel more worthy of God’s love. That whatever his plan was for me, it would all work out the way it was supposed to.
Right after I started therapy, I started dating someone new. He was really supportive of me going to therapy, and helped remind me of who I am. He helped me be goofy, we had the same punny sense of humor, similar temperaments. Even though he was great, I was also very afraid of getting into a new relationship. I started listening to general conference talks about fear, which helped me give my all in this relationship. That I should put faith in God and his plan over my mortal fears of getting hurt. I also started attending the temple more, which brought a lot more peace into my life. When I got through all the conference talks about fear, I started listening to ones about trusting the Lord. My boyfriend also helped me see that being fully vulnerable and opening up to someone is important. That it’s okay to let someone take care of me, I don’t have to do it all on my own.
A week after I finally finished processing that memory, my boyfriend and I talked and decided we wanted different things in life and decided to break up. I was very sad for a few days but the timing of his heartache couldn’t have been better, even if it was a week before Valentine’s Day. I have slowly been building up my trust and faith in God and his plan for me by studying talks and going to the temple, feeling peace about how my life will work out just fine no matter what. Since processing that memory a few weeks ago, I no longer feel unlikeable or the need to have everyone like me. That even if someone doesn’t like me, it’s not the end of the world. That I am still an amazing person. I feel like I am worthy of God’s love and forgiveness. I don’t feel the need to be perfect all the time. Even though I’m sad it didn’t work out with this man, I’m not as torn up as my last breakup because I am in a much better mental state, and I have more trust in Heavenly Father, and in myself. I’m not tearing myself down by wondering what I did wrong or wondering why I wasn’t good enough. We just weren’t meant to end up together and that’s okay. He is still a good friend, and I wish him all the happiness is the world.
Comparing myself today to the person I was a year ago, I can’t believe the progress I have made emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. I’m so grateful that I took the time, and am still taking the time, to work on me. EMDR therapy has helped me improve in so many ways. The most important thing I learned in the time between February 14, 2021 and February 14, 2022 is that I don’t need someone else to love me to prove I am good enough. I am enough just the way I am, imperfections and all. I need to love myself, and that’s finally what I’m doing. I’m trusting in God’s love and plan for me. I’m putting faith over fear. I feel like I’m finally myself again. This year has been tough. I went through two heartaches, mental and emotional self abuse, feeling lost, but I wouldn’t change anything that happened because it led me to feel the best I have about myself in a long time. I can finally look in the mirror and, not only tell myself how great I am, but I finally believe it. I still get depressed and insecure, but I’m more compassionate with myself when I do. I turn to the love I am worthy of instead of pulling away. I am finally my own friend, I finally trust I am worthy of God’s love, and I wouldn’t change that for the world.